Sunday, November 25, 2007

November 8th Going to the Russian River

We left Garberville about 10 am. The fog was finally lifting and we headed down the redwood highway. Up and down through the hills etc. Finally we started seeing vineyards, everywhere. Every hill and valley, wherever there is tillable land and where they could irrigate. On our way we received a message from Shirley. Two nights before she took Gene to the hospital with internal bleeding and a heart attack. He was transported to Santa Rosa trauma center. So after finding the campground and setting up our rig, we took off to Santa Rosa to find them. He was in ICU and Shirley came out to talk to us. Then they let us in so we could give him a hug and let him know he was not alone. He actually was looking pretty good after all he had been through. The long and short of it was, he would be in the hospital for a week. He had 7 pints of blood, the heart damage was very minor and he was able to go back to Washington on the 19th. Hopefully they will be able to travel again soon when he gets his strength back and the ok from the Dr.

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