Monday, November 26, 2007

November 10 to 15th Santa Rosa

We started off Saturday with RAIN.. and lots of it. It was an indoor day and we watched a movie, "Losing Isaiah". That was a tear jerker. Since we don't have TV to entertain us, we are finally watching some of the movies purchased a yr ago and never watched. You need down days now and then.

Sunday turned out sunny and beautiful. We went for a drive and stopped at a fruit stand. We bought apples, squash, tomatoes, watermelon and oranges. We drove through lots of vineyards and groves of eucalyptus trees. The aroma is so heavenly from those trees. That evening our movie of the day was "Narnia". We really enjoyed it.

Monday was baking day and made an apple pie from the apples. Mmmm good and the aroma was delicious. The movie of the day was "The Aviator". The Howard Hughes story. A very interesting story and rather sad.

Tuesday we drove to Santa Rosa after picking up Schaeffer's mail. We took several shots of the vineyards as we were driving in.

The leaves are turning color and falling off in the rows.
The different colored leaves provide a great contrast.

You can see the rows of grapes all the way up the hills, everywhere you look.

I love this shot.
Wednesday we went to visit Doug and Sharon Henry in Forestville. They are friends from the Montana Forum. It is always good to renew these friendships as we sometimes don't see them for a year or two. We saw pictures of their brand new twin grandson & daughter. What fun they will have. They have a very lovely home and room to park several rigs. Hmm, makings of a mini rally. It was nice out today, 75 degrees. Love that sun.

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