We are just finishing up peach time in TX. We always talked about picking peaches in the orchards at Fredericksburg, but we always left to go west before they were ripe. So this was the year. Due to the extreme heat and lack of rain, the peaches this year were smaller but richer in flavor. They also had not sprayed, so they were a little mishapened and needed lots of tlc in preparing them. Unfortunately I didn't take the camera into the orchard to get shots of the trees etc. But when we were finished here is the result.

We went to Marburger Orchards. They have at least 10 different varieties that ripen at different times. They had red globe and majestic ripening at the time we went. We picked the red globe as we thought they had the better flavor. It was hot and dusty but as you finish picking a box, the orchard workers came around on golf carts and picked up the boxes to deliver to the shed for check out. Your name and type of peach was marked on the box. That worked for us... then we took our time walking back to the shed and did a little sampling. mmmm good!!

We got a better price by taking 3 boxes so we had plenty to share and lots to slice for future cobbler and lots of freezer jam. We have been eating fresh peaches every day on our cereal or in a fruit bowl. Oh my they are good.

We have 2 drawers full of freezer jam and the one deep drawer with the slice peaches. I hope that is enough for the year.... we will look forward to next year & I think we need to involve some others in our adventure..
I predict peach pies or peach something at the next potluck (hope, hope, hope). :)
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