May was all about the garden, little league, and the end of school. It was also very warm, alot of days above 100.
Here is Ben standing in between the sunflowers he planted. Man they grow fast and they aren't through.

Here is some of the harvest and was it ever good. We are still eating pickled beets.

An overview of the garden. We also enjoyed some corn on the cob. The cobs were small but they still tasted good.

Ben and Bobby relaxing on the cement blocks.

A crape myrtle bush which has bloomed all summer.

Here are Bobby's carrots. They didn't get very big, but we had to pull them finally when the ground got so hot.

The beginnings of our memorial garden.

The last day of school and awards program.

Ben received 6 awards. For grades, perfect attendance etc.
1 comment:
Your blog link was on an email I received from Charlyn Harris. We were fulltime RVers for about a year and have settled in Lower Alabama because of the cost of fuel. We still feel like we are vacationing perpetually. You can check out our blogs at
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