Friday, September 19, 2008

May 2008

May was all about the garden, little league, and the end of school. It was also very warm, alot of days above 100.
Here is Ben standing in between the sunflowers he planted. Man they grow fast and they aren't through.
Here is some of the harvest and was it ever good. We are still eating pickled beets.
An overview of the garden. We also enjoyed some corn on the cob. The cobs were small but they still tasted good.
Ben and Bobby relaxing on the cement blocks.
A crape myrtle bush which has bloomed all summer.

Here are Bobby's carrots. They didn't get very big, but we had to pull them finally when the ground got so hot.
The beginnings of our memorial garden.

The last day of school and awards program.

Ben received 6 awards. For grades, perfect attendance etc.

Yesteryear in Bastrop

In April, Bastrop celebrates Yester year. Like it's name, the people participating dress up in yesteryear garb. They also have lots of things for kids to do (and buy). Lots of booths with things!!! So Grandma and Pop took the boys to see what we could find.

There was a petting zoo with lots of baby animals and the boys got to feed them. Here is Bobby with a wallabee.

Ben found a Bison.
Ben also found a place to make a beaded necklace. So he did one for his Mom.
Of course we also witnessed a shoot out on the street. Boy was it loud. Bobby had his hands over his ears and kind of hid behind us.

This is one of the historic homes in Bastrop. We took a buggy ride around the downtown area to see several of the historic homes.

This is one of the wagons doing the tour. They also had people doing old time work, like the iron works making pots, horse shoes and utensils. It was a fun and warm day.

April 2008

Well it is time to catch up on what we have been doing. Between doctor appts there was little league, the garden, Ben's first communion and his 8th birthday.

This is the start of our spring garden. The foreground shows squash, broccoli and then on back was beets, peas and corn off to the side. We enjoyed the harvest, but it just didn't last very long due to the hot weather and the drought.
Pop is planting carrot seeds with Bobby, Ben is looking on. Ben planted sunflowers and some bean seeds they started at school.

Here we are after Ben's first communion. A happy day for the family.

That looks like an 8 yr old grin about to dive into a cupcake.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Our Winter Home

Our usual course of action is to spend the winter in Bastrop, TX and then the summer in the NW. This year we were going to go to the East coast and see some relatives in our journey through Florida and Maine. Our plans were changed after visiting the Dr. and having to deal with some medical issues. All that is behind us now and we ended up staying in Bastrop for the summer as well. We keep hearing the phrase... the weather is unusual. We broke heat records from 82 yrs ago and we hope we won't have to do this again any time soon. Now we know why we travel in the summer (up north). Anyway we thought you might like to see where we live. These pictures were taken in March, so the trees still look like winter.

This is what our place looks like from the front. There is a double car garage with a multipurpose room behind it and the garaport for the Montana on the side.
This is on the back corner of Brett & Paula's property.

This is the back end where we have room to sit in a couple of rockers!! That is a gardenia bush in the bottom left corner. When it blooms, the aroma is heavenly.

These are fire ant hills. We don't like them...

The big oak tree is in the front yard near the road. It is really gorgeous with all it's leaves.

A favorite climbing place for the boys.

This is the big house where Brett, Paula and the boys live.

Another shot of the 5th wheel.