The sport of choice this spring is T Ball and Baseball. Of course they have to try out first. So away we went, first to Bobby's T Ball field and then to Ben's field.

He knows how to hit that ball and can do it from either side. This is his first year and there is a big learning curve on how everything works.

Here he is in the field waiting to catch a ball.

Ben is playing coach pitch baseball. For this age group, they don't have the kids doing the pitching. The coach puts the ball in a machine that flings the ball at them. You never know where it is going to be, so keeping your eye on the ball is really important.

Here is Ben in the field. He has a pretty good throwing arm. After the tryouts they wait for a call to tell them what team they are on. Then they get their schedule. Ben seems to have 2 to 3 games a week and a practice night. Bobby has maybe one game a week plus practice. It has been a learning experience for us also. The rules are different for T Ball and Coach Pitched Baseball. Grandma and Pop are on a learning curve also.
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