On the edge of downtown Los Angeles is the Equestrian Center. People stable their horses here and are able to ride them around the perimeter as well as train them in jumping etc. The horses in the parade were stabled here and put on a program for the public Sat. before the parade. They performed drills, roping, trick riding etc. You could also tour the stables, meet the drivers and the horses. The Cowgirl Chicks from Texas performed.

The United States Marine Corps Mounted Color Guard was formed in 1967 and is the only mounted color guard in the Marine Corps. They presented the colors in a beautiful fashion.

California State Firefighter's Association present an antique fire wagon and the firefighters are dressed in period uniforms from around the world.

Well's Fargo Stage Coach

Arizona Mini Mystique is a miniature horse precision driving team. Eight drivers pulling two wheeled carts perform close order drills such as pinwheels, spins, suicide charges, and figure eight formations.

And of course the Budweiser clydesdales. Since 1933, the world famous, eight horse hitch has represented Budweiser. They stand 6 ft at the shoulders and weigh 2,000 lbs.

When this 8 horse hitch comes thundering into the ring, it makes the ground shudder.

Those beautiful white stockings are shampooed everyday. They have a team of 6 people for each horse. 3 for grooming and 3 for polishing harness. Even the dalmation standing on the wagon has brass harness on. This beautiful team is pulling the St Louis float in the parade.

Unhitched and relaxing.

Bob with one of the drivers and his friend. The main driver is from Manitoba and knew Gordon Church (Bob's great uncle). Gordon and his sons had the best Clydesdale hitch in Canada.
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