I can't believe after so long, we are finally moved in. We have slept 4 nights in our new home now. Every day we make it a little more ours. You know all those finishing touches and putting out all those things that have been packed away for 6 years. Of course all the furniture has to be polished and the glassware washed before we can use it.

Here is the outside, all finished even the dead grass is in. Even after watering it every day for a week, it is barely showing a tinge of green. At least we don't have to worry about mowing it.

That is a live oak in the front yard.

Our two favorite realtors, Sharron and Val.That is a picture of Del Webb. This was after signing the final papers and we needed a little humour.

Then we went to the house to put the grout sealer on before moving anything in. I did the back splash in the kitchen and Bob did all the floors.

The truck ready to unload!!

The delivery men from Lowe's starting to install the washer & dryer.

The last load of boxes to come off the truck. We were blessed by our friends Mary & Bud, who helped us unload the heavy stuff. They also supplied us with 2 days of dinner. So now it is unpacking and going for more stuff still in the Montana. I can't believe what all we have in there. More later.....