On Memorial Day Weekend we find ourselves going to Copalis Beach to camp out with friends & family. We have been doing this for approx 7 yrs. There can be anywhere from 10 to 30 of us there for the weekend. This yr. with the weather forecast (rain), illness, etc. our number was 10 (5 rigs). One friend came with his 2 kids for one night. When we arrived on Thursday, our neighbors Patti and Terry, invited us to dinner. It was yummy and then 4 others came for cake and ice cream. This was the beginning of the eating experience. As you will see, we eat well. But what can you expect with 7 cooks out of the 10 people here. When you add a very wet weekend, what else is there to do... socialize, which leads to games and eating.

The first night of potluck. All of this came out of 5 rigs.

Parmeson chicken, ham, Pork roast with peach sauce, fruit salad, asparagus, mac n cheese, rice hamburger dish, Tx white sheet cake, brownies, strawberry cream pie, cookies.

Saturday night is spagetti night. Bob & Lorraine Coleman did the sauce from scratch complete with a secret dry ingredient. Oh my..

Spagetti & meat balls, salad, pea salad, homemade garlic bread, brownies, lemon cake. I am sure there was more. Just can't remember.

This was our brief sunny period after dinner. Frank and Bob were wearing their Cubs hats. Just had to get the Cub twins with the shadow evidence in the back ground.

The Colemans, Smileys and Myrna set up Mexican Train outside. We lasted about 5 rounds and then moved inside as it was getting so cold. I think Patti was the winner on this game.

Stan, Bev, Frank and Carolyn were headed to the beach for a walk. We actually had a campfire that night. The only night it didn't rain.

Sunday found us in the clubhouse for another round of Mexican Train.

Left over spagetti, roast beef with gravy, potatoes, green salad, chicken, carrots, sausages, scalloped corn, brownies, lemon cake. I am sure I missed something. So now you know what we do well!!! EAT.... It is the friendship and the fun times that we remember the most.
Stan started us on the question "When did you first meet as a couple?" Some interesting stories came forth with much laughter. We are blessed by our friendships. This group contains friends we have known since we were teenagers, family and new friends (5 yrs). All very special in their own way.
We are now off to Elma, WA to visit friends and relatives. It is still raining... later....